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Partner with Us

There are many ways to partner with PALS.  There are quarterly meetings with discussions about PALS contributions to the school.  There are different areas where parents can serve. For those who are strapped for time or have multiple children and can’t be involved physically during the day, no problem. There are still ways for parents to be involved; such as monetary and/or item donations for the school are always appreciated. Watch for email announcements and for specific needs and ways to donate. PALS is excited to partner with you for an amazing year! 

PALS areas of service:

Gala - This is JCA's BIGGEST fundraiser and event of the year. PALS is highly involved in coordinating and organizing this event. 

Fundraising - PALS arranges other school fundraisers outside the Gala. To name a few: Spirit Nights, Popcorn and Pickle, Spring Fling Family Night, and Book Fair.

Store - Once a month, PALS holds school store where students in 2nd-5th grade can come shop with their Colt Cash they have earned in the classroom. Kinder-1st students attend store in their classrooms. Donations as well as parental help running Store are needed.

Teacher Appreciation - PALS honors our teachers throughout the year and especially during Teacher Appreciation Week. 

MUGS (Mother's Under God's Spirit) - This is a Bible study and prayer team. MUGS meets once a month to study the Word and fellowship together as moms. This group prays for each other and the school's needs. So even if you can't make Bible study, you can still be a part of the prayer team. 

POPS (Protecting Our Precious Students) - This is a team of parents who want to volunteer to help with occasional special security at the school. (Great place for dads to be involved). 

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