Why choose JCA for my child’s education?
"Choosing a school for their children is one of the most important decisions parents must make. Whether they move into a school district, apply to a private school, or adjust family duties to make home schooling possible, most families want school choice. For the parents of more than six million children, the choice is private education. They choose a private education for many reasons, with quality academics, a safe and orderly environment, and moral and ethical values the common reasons cited. Most parents often look to private schools as an extension of the home in promoting the values they embrace. Nothing in a democracy is more important than the education of the next generation of its citizens. In standardized tests designed to measure how well American youth are prepared to meet their citizenship responsibilities, students in private schools score higher than their public school counterparts. Public Agenda, a national research organization, found that adults believed, by a wide margin, that private schools do a better job of providing a quality education than public schools.” Source: Council for American Private Education (CAPE), Germantown, MD 20874.
With that said, Junction Christian Academy desires to reach the world for Jesus from its little corner of the world. The school's mission is to equip all students to be lifelong followers of Jesus representing Him and His word on a daily basis wherever God leads them.
The school strives to offer a quality education of excellence and integrity based on the Word of God. It also provides small class sizes enabling students to receive more individualized instruction. JCA strives to employ highly qualified teachers who model a Christian life consistently. By combining lifelong followers of Jesus and an education of excellence, students will be prepared and equipped to become well-rounded, productive, and contributing citizens to society. The aim of the school is to produce students who know who they are in Christ, stand firm on what they know, and walk in stability.
How to Apply
• Complete entire admissions packet and return to JCA office.
• All new applicants must take an entrance exam. The exam which takes approximately 30-45 minutes, tests the student’s math and reading skills.
• Bring recent report cards, standardized test scores, and test results on learning differences (if applicable) to the JCA office.
• An interview will be scheduled. Application does not automatically mean acceptance. All students and parents must be interviewed prior to acceptance. This process gives the school the opportunity to get acquainted with you and your child and make sure it is a good fit for both parties.
• A non-refundable non-transferable registration fee of $150 is required to hold the student’s spot.
• A copy of the student’s immunization record must be submitted, along with a visual verification of the student’s birth certificate and social security card.